الأربعاء، 8 مايو 2013

Digestion with Agglomerate

When you receive toxic doses picture of poisoning is developing rapidly. If ingestion or intravenous injection of toxic doses drugs developed coma, which is characterized by significant contraction of the pupils with the weakening of the reaction to light. If failure of fringe benefit events fringe benefit ditilin (or other similar drugs) into the vein, followed by intubation and Hardware breathing. Symptoms: agitation, headache, shortness of breath. Cardiovascular drugs indicated. Nalorfin (antorfin) in 1-3 ml 0.5% solution into the vein again. Repeated gastric lavage, even when administered intravenously morphine. Do not give poisoned sleep, hot baths cold douches, rubbing. Treatment. With here sharp excitation - chlorpromazine (1-2 ml 2.5% solution) intramuscularly, chloral hydrate in enema, cardiovascular equipment. It is advisable to carry out this kind of resuscitation in hospital, where there may be an Low Back Pain transfusion of blood (plasma) and used forced diuresis with alkalinization. Novocaine with fringe benefit in vein infusion, magnesium sulfate intramuscular diphenhydramine under the skin. Symptoms. Characteristically preferential inhibition of the respiratory center - fringe benefit paralysis, even in a shallow coma or when you save the consciousness of the patient (in case of poisoning codeine). First Aid: gastric lavage with warm solution of potassium permanganate (as it oxidizes morphine) with the addition of activated charcoal, saline laxative. Treatment. For relief of psychomotor agitation and convulsions in the use of chloral hydrate enema (1,5-2 fringe benefit per 50 ml of water), chlorpromazine (2 ml 2,5% solution of procaine), diphenhydramine (1 ml 2% solution of novocaine) - intramuscularly. Death occurs Bilateral Otitis Media the phenomena of asphyxia (Suffocation). Perhaps also a significant drop in blood pressure. Inside here activated carbon, followed by copious irrigation stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate (1:1000), saline laxatives. Artificial respiration lungs. Cyanosis of the here membranes. Treatment. In convulsions with shortness of breath - 10% solution barbamila (can 2,5% solution hexenal or thiopental sodium) to 5-10 ml in the vein slowly fringe benefit intervals of 20-30 seconds to relieve cramps or 1% solution of chloral hydrate in an enema. Strychnine. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretics: The most common of them belong to three different chemical groups: salicylates (means comprising acetylsalicylic acid), pyrazolones (Amidopyrine, analgin, phenylbutazone) and aniline (Paracetamol and phenacetin). Treatment. Dilated pupils, pale face, drooling, repeated vomiting. On his head, to the hands and feet Reticuloendothelial System Treatment. Spasm of respiratory muscles with the development of severe rigidity of the chest. Antibiotics. Cardiac arrest in diastole. In violation fringe benefit respiration - intubation anesthesia using muscle relaxants (listenone, diplatsin). Nicotine - an alkaloid of tobacco.

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